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Health Benefits of Smiling

Why you should be smiling in 2018

The world looks brighter from behind a smile! 

Smiles are contagious. Studies have shown that people have a difficult time frowning when someone else is smiling at them. In fact, they couldn’t help but smile themselves. Make a habit throughout the year to compliment the people you meet with a smile and watch them pay it forward.

Smiles relieve stress. When you smile, the body releases endorphins that help quickly change your mood. This makes you feel better, thus relieving your body of stress. Try smiling even when you don’t feel like it and notice the difference.

It is easier to smile than frown. Did you know the body uses more muscles to frown than it does to smile? That means you have to put forth more effort to look sad than to simply appear happy. Turn that frown upside down in 2018 and give your muscles a break.

It boosts your immune system. Scientists have found that smiling relaxes the body, allowing it to build a stronger immune system and contributing to overall good health. Smile more this year. You could be helping your body fight sickness.

5. Helps you get promoted. People who smile often appear to be more attractive, social and confident. These people are also most likely to get promoted at work. Smile more at work this year. It could lead to your next promotion.

Smiles are more attractive than makeup. A recent study shows that women who do not wear makeup but are smiling appear to be more attractive to men. Save yourself the extra time in the morning and put on a smile instead of a full face. You just might get a date.

Smiles are the most recognizable facial expression. Did you know that a smile can be recognized from up to 300 feet away? Flash your beautiful smile when out in public or in big groups and help people find you easier.

People who smile live longer. Previously, we mentioned that smiling boosts your immune system. One large benefit of that is a longer lifespan. Science says that people who smile often live an average of 7 years longer than those who do not. Lengthen your time on this earth by smiling more in 2018.

So, Keep On Smiling!

Egger Orthodontics has been creating healthy, beautiful smiles for patients of all ages since 1998.  If you have not yet started orthodontic treatment or have questions, contact our office at #425-392-2499 for a complimentary evaluation.

This blog is for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are protected by copyright laws and can only be used with written permission from the author.


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