4 Ways To Put Your Flexible Spending Dollars To Good Use: Treat yourself. If you’ve always wished you could improve your smile, now is the time to make that dream a reality! By using your FSA dollars to give yourself Invisalign or braces, you’ll be well on your way to a more beautiful smile in no time. Do something nice for your spouse. Wondering what to get your spouse for the holidays? Wonder no more! Giving them the rest of your FSA dollars to fix their smile is a great way to not only use up your remaining funds while also giving your main squeeze a special gift that will last them a lifetime. It’s especially nice if you don’t have dental insurance! Purchase extra retainers and mouthguards. I t’s inevitable that you or your children will misplace your retainers or mouthguard at some point. Buy an extra one to make sure you’ve always got backup! Start your child on the path to greater confidence & self esteem. If you have a child that will eventuall...